Number Kids

We are thrilled to announce that our second grade classes will be participating in an interdistrict program called Number Kids. This program partners schools from different districts to explore mathematics through literature, projects and games as well as to develop skills, conquer fears and bias and celebrate the newfound strength of diversity. Macdonough School will be paired with Essex Elementary School for the Number Kids project.

Student partners from each school district will meet monthly in one another’s classrooms and other exciting settings to explore and develop greater understanding of math. Integrating literature, hands-on activities, real life math, and everyday math problems will allow your child an academically intensive experience. We will open the program on October 16th with a trip to Groton Municipal Center to meet with all the students in the program. Other things planned include professional programs such as “Percussion Math,” a Domino Extravaganza, a trip to Bushy Hill Nature Center, and an end of the year party at Ocean Beach, New London where we will build sand castles with Chuck Feld, a professional sand castle artist!

Stay tuned for all the details!