Macdonough at WFSB
After school on June 17, 2010 a group of Macdonough fourth graders and Miss Claffey and Mr. Nelson toured WFSB Channel 3 news studios in Rocky Hill with meteorologist Mark Dixon. The students saw how the news programs we see on television are crafted through the cooperation of many professionals behind the scenes. We learned about the computer editing rooms, the mobile broadcasting truck command center, the control room, and the various elements of the studio set. Other highlights of the trip were silently watching the first half of the five o’clock news broadcast live from inside the studio and then observing the second half of the broadcast from the control room where the directors and producers were noisily discussing which stories and shots to call next. We are very thankful to meteorologist Mark Dixon for his informative tour and to Miss Claffey for driving the Middletown Schools carry all van. We certainly look forward to another exciting educational visit to WFSB Channel 3 next year!