Macdonough School Running Club

Members of the Macdonough School Running Club attended the Freedom Run in Hartford on Saturday, November 8th. The young runners had a choice of competing in the 1/4 mile or 1/2 mile children's race which were run adjacent to the State Capitol and through Bushnell Park.

The race was run in honor of the men and women serving our country. Members of the Governor's Foot Guard began the day with a wonderful flag presentation.

The Macdonough School runners fared well winning first place in both the 1/4 mile race and the 1/2 mile race!

In addition to patriotic race t-shirts each child was awarded a race medal as he or she crossed the finish line.

Macdonough School's participation in the race was sponsored by the Hartford Marathon Foundation and 21st Century Schools Program.

The Macdonough School Running Club will be taking a winter break and resume racing on Saint Patrick's Weekend in March with the The O’Hartford 5K and Wee Mile Race.