News from the Art Room

Save the date! The district-wide art show is March 7th-15th. The opening reception is March 7th.

Kindergarten has been working on various mixed media, seasonal artworks including penguins and snowmen. To celebrate the Chinese New Year students have been working on and will be completing Dragons.

Grade 1 students have completed clay animal sculptures. We are currently completing Paper Cuts.

Grade 2 students studied Henri Matisse and created collages. We are currently creating fans and studying watercolor techniques.

Grade 3 students constructed the facades of houses using clay, after studying architecture. We have just begun a project on Carp kites. The kites involve learning about symmetry, the technique of rubbing and the blending of oil pastels.

Grade 4 recently completed an artwork inspired by Georgia O’Keeffe using a glue relief and chalk pastels. We are currently studying calligraphy.

Grade 5 students are working on mixed media collages inspired by the artist Stuart Davis.