3rd Grade Tours Historical Sites in Middletown

On Wednesday, the third graders, accompanied by parents Ms. Rose, Mrs. Hill, Mrs. Genovese, Mr. Daniels, Ms. Alex and Ms. Whittle, spent the whole day visiting some important historical landmarks in Middletown. We learned about Saint Sebastian Church, The Russell House, the first high school in Connecticut, a location on the Underground Railroad, the Adath Israel Synagogue, the DeKoven House and the Old Meeting House. We also toured the Historical Society in the Mansfield House. A big thanks to Debbie Shapiro for teaching us so much about Middletown's role during the Revolutionary and Civil War. Before eating lunch at the lovely Harbor Park, we spent time at City Hall. Mayor Guiliano taught us all about Middletown's government and his role as the city's mayor. Special thanks to Police Chief McMahon for spending time with us during lunch and making sure we were all safe. Enjoy the pictures from our day around Middletown.