Macdonough Volunteers Build Garden Boxes in Middletown

FROM THE MIDDLETOWN PRESS [March 11, 2012 by By JIM SALEMI Press Staff]

MIDDLETOWN — The Macdonough Garden Club is “bigger and better” than its been in recent years thanks to the help of a small group of Wesleyan students who lent their expertise in the practice.

The Wesleyan students, along with Macdonough students and their parents and school staff, rolled up their sleeves Saturday to construct raised garden beds where vegetables will be grown over the summer as part of a “garden-based nutrition and environmental education” program, according to Adin Vaewsorn, a Wesleyan freshman who volunteered to work on the program.

Vaewsorn said he participated in an Americorps, and though it would be a good idea to do something similar for Macdonough.
Americorps is an organization that provides opportunities for volunteers to help improve communities.

Serena Berry, also a freshman at Wesleyan, volunteered her time Saturday constructing the garden beds.

While Vaewsorn lent his expertise in building the structures for the raised beds and other gardening knowledge, he said it was Bill and Becca Peacock that got the Garden Club up-and-running again.

“We took over three years ago. The person doing it before moved on. We did it two years in a row and did our best. Now we have Adin so it’s bigger and better,” Becca Peacock said

Becca’s husband Bill was hard at work, attaching side board of the boxes to the legs.  

“Bill has been my driver!” Vaewsorn said. “He’s been great--we couldn’t do this without him. He has a pickup, so we were able to pick up the lumber and go to New London to pick up the compost,” he said.

Haley Peacock, Bill and Becca’s daughter, helped Paul Zakarian measure and cut boards. Haley is in the fourth grade at Macdonough, and says she’ll participate in the garden club.

“I’m going to help plant it and help take care of it. I’ll come water it,” she said.

Zakarian’s children Ani and Quinn, both Macdonough students, also helped with the project.

Zakarian also pursued grants for the project and secured some donated seeds from Seed Savers and Seeds of Change. Seeds of Change is headed by a Wesleyan graduate, Vaewsorn said.

Jillian McKenzie of New Britain, an interventionist at Macdonough, will be heading the club.

“It will take place Fridays after school. All students are welcome to participate. We’ll have a nutrition class and learn where food comes from,” she said.

Molly Lobel, also a freshman at Wesleyan who could not attend Saturday, wrote the grant application to the university’s student managed and funded Green Fund.